Pentecostal Orthodox Church Fellowship

Pentecostal Orthodox Church Fellowship is a conglomerate of Churches, Ministries and people, who share one common goal, TO LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS! Under the Spiritual Guidance of our Presiding
Prelate, Archbishop JD Fowler, we are a united, yet independent Fellowship of believers, who are rooted in the truth of the Holy Scriptures and the Power of the Holy Spirit, as experienced in the book of Acts chapter 2, on the Day of Pentecost and throughout the New Testament Scriptures.

While we come together as one, our affiliate Churches, Ministries, Ministers and people, are autonomous and govern our own Ministries. We are Blessed to follow the leading of our Presiding Prelate, a Man Of God, who follows the leading the Lord! We believe in the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments, the Baptism IN water and the Baptism and Infilling of the Holy Ghost, as well as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Power of Pentecost, which transcends ALL denominations. We are not Denominational but Inspirational, therefore ALL ARE WELCOME!.

Feast of Tabernacles 2024

29TH Annual Anniversary Celebration